Katie (Midwife) 


Hello, I'm Katie

I am a qualified midwife and I have trained at two London trusts, including invaluable time spent with my trust’s Homebirth Team.

Through my journey into my maternity career, I have gained a passion for implementing evidence-based care while empowering the families I care for. I always strive to base my practice around holistic care for individuals and around continuity of care.

Prior to my degree, I worked as a Sexual Health and Relationship Educator in a school and for a charity. This sparked my passion for bodily autonomy, grounding my work in the ethos that everyone has a right to understand how their body works.

I have a love for all areas of maternity, whether that be at the beginning of your journey into parenthood, or you’re continuing to develop your knowledge about your family! I am delighted to offer caring, evidence-based support for you and your newborn with the skills and knowledge I have gained.

I cannot wait to meet you and your family! 

Language spoken: English (native)

Danielle, Newborn Care Specialist, Holistic Babies London

Katie, Newborn Care Specialist, Holistic Babies London